Organic Peru MWP DECAF
12oz bag - Whole Bean or Ground
Organic Peru MWP Fair Trade
Taste Notes: Caramel, Apple, Milk Chocolate
Average Acidity
Average Sweetness
Average Body
Roast Level: Medium-Dark
Altitude: 1400 to 1600 meters
Varietals: Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor, Pache,
Process: Mountain Water Process (MWP) DECAF
The Cautivo Cooperative of Northern Peru is run by a group of organized farmers, and they have formed a legal association. The members of the co-op strive to improve the standard of living for all involved. They promote water management, environmental protection, and the production of organic materials, such as fertilizers. It’s through these sustainable practices that the Cautivo co-op has been able to achieve their organic certification.