Delightful Decaf
The story of Del's Coffee Roasters
In the beginning...
I love coffee! So, a while back I started buying a variety of green coffee beans from around the world and started roasting at home. Diving headlong down the coffee rabbit hole, Through the roasting process, I learned how to bring out the flavors of each particular bean. I never imagined how many unique and delicious flavors can be brought out during the roast. I couldn't get enough so I enrolled in a coffee roasting school where I learned all about the entire coffee roasting process from coffee tree to coffee cup... I was in love and ready to take the next step...
Let's do this...
My plan was to start a small scale roasting operation out of my family's old horse barn in central Massachusetts, so I bought a decent sized roaster, started renovating the barn and meeting with the town officials to see what was necessary to open. Welp, it turns out you can't just open a coffee roasting business in someone's barn in a residential neighborhood. Not deterred, I found a nice spot in a neighboring city, made sure zoning was copacetic, signed the lease, started renovations, made my business name legal and started down that road to opening the coffee roasting biz of my dreams.
Desperate times mean desperate measures...
Spring 2020 the pandemic strikes and the construction of the roasting facility screetches to a halt. As we know, desperate times require desperate measures! So, in order to keep my friends & family caffeinated during this challenging time, I stepped up my Home Roasting operation, roasted a bunch of 8oz batches of a wide variety of beans, jumped on my mountain bike, channeling my inner paper boy, and rode around the community delivering some delicious coffee in hopes to provide a ray of sunlight during these dark days.
Here We Go...
My roasting facility is done! The build-out of my new home-away-from home has been intense. All new plumbing, electric, HVAC, walls, ceiling, etc. and has taken a bit longer than I had expected, but here we are, ready to go!. My little roasting facility will not only allow me to fire up my small commercial roaster but it will also allow me to host tastings and other small events. My commercial grade roaster will allow me to be more productive, improve quality, and consistency. Looking forward to having y'all over for a tasting, it's gonna be fun.